Parents, Providers & Participants, It's time for Fiesta Especial!

January 16, 2024

Parents, Providers and Participants;

On Sunday, March 4th, Fiesta Especial will have a table of information at the Siclovia event off Broadway Street. The event will take place from 10am – 3pm. If you are available for 1 hour during this time frame to come and help promote Fiesta Especial, we’ll have your sash and crown waiting for you!

This is an outdoor event, so please wear appropriate attire, with a little royal flair! Many of the Fiesta Royalty will be out there in dresses and slacks wearing their crowns and mingling with the crowds.

Please RSVP with the name of the Royal Court member and the time frame you will be able to make an appearance. Thank you!

Below are some other opportunities we are looking into. Please note that many of these are not yet confirmed. Those opportunities noted in bold are required appearances by the Fiesta Especial Royal Court.

1. Coronation – February 18th (7pm – 9pm)

2. Siclovia – March 4th (10am – 3pm)

3. Media Day – March 15th (12pm – 2pm)

4. Mosaic Talent Show – April 6th (TBA)

5. Pin Pandemonium – April 9th (TBA)

6. Fiesta Especial Shoebox Parade – April 20th (11am – 12pm)

7. Fiesta Especial Promenade & Parade – April 21st (9am – 11am)

8. Battle ALS with Flowers – April 21st (9am - 1:30pm) PENDING after parade

9. A Taste of the Northside – April 25th (5:30pm – 10:30pm) PENDING

10. Lackland Fiesta Military Parade – April 25th (9:30am – 10:30am) PENDING

11. SA Family Fun Fest - April 28th – 29th. DSASA Prince & Princess

Serving together,

Melanie R. Cawthon, MS

Director of Marketing & Resource Development

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Please fill out the form and tell us a little about yourself. We’ll be in touch with you shortly!
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